Monday, September 14, 2009

The Loving Cup

Cathedral of Dreams

I'm so grateful for having been given the imagination to perceive new outlooks. Thank God, grace has it's way with us and mercy steps in to save us from our own perceptions and limitations of life and dreams.

It's becoming a practice, whenever I get a little rush of worry or fear throughout my day, I immediately replace it with faith and trust and hope. I'm learning to refuse to judge myself, I just let the emotion move through me like a little breeze needing to blow. It seems I'm only able to do this when I have time and space around me. Then I'm more able to remind myself the realities of my faith, being consistent. In being more consistent a faithstyle habit is forming. A peace I've never known is becoming a supporting reference in my life.

Thank you to Laurie Cleveland for the beautiful gift of this loving cup. She practices leaving fear behind and walking in faith also.


Anonymous said...

Fear can be so damaging because it frequently leads to self-loathing and that end truly starts a vicious cycle. I think it takes taking a step outside of ourselves sometimes (I think this is where the imagination you speak of comes in) and seeing the good in our hearts that we have forgotten about when we're caught up in the above cycle. Thanks for this reminder.

Colette George said...

Thank you for your comment Tonia, that's exactly it.

As an aside, I saw a sign today that said something to the effect of "Love more. When you do, everything gets better." Grace doesn't differentiate.

Love to you!

Journal Swag said...

Wow, that is wonderful! I aspire to be so.
