This is the BEFORE:
Below: here I'm at mid-point in painting process - painting in the stone line suggestions. At this point the base coat has been painted, (Alexandria Biege Pottery Barn) another ligher layer has been added in, back and forth, random random with the roller. . .
Note: the blocked and filled doorway.
On newspaper roller off the pan marks- the marks will transfer (but the marks a great for effect used sparingly on other projects)
But the first- this switch box presents a fun little place for a picture. Picked up just the right one at Ross. The back of the picture itself will be glued to a flat wooden spacer for projection, to "connect" the door on the switches (seen above) She'll simply have to swing open the frame from the wall to access her switches.
above: this is the second step in creating the stone wall look. Laying some dimension in (and heck, maybe that's what Johannah is doing below too- who knows???)
This is a pretty good color rendition of the wall. We're still looking for a nice little shelf unit to place over the little corner cabinet and removing the long shelf there but a working girl has got to have a place for her products! The last phase will be painting the work counter cabinets and it will be a significant change when that is done. And, if there is someone that deserves this and more- it's Johannah. She has worked so hard in her business and does all the right things to make her business a success. She's talented, stays current, is hardworking, accommodating, and just plain fun to be around. Her mom is awesome too and she's so lucky (well we both were) to have her help! I know where Johannah gets her work ethic.
More pics of these walls in process are in previous posts.
VERY cool! Great Job!
thank you Sheila!!
halo hugs to you~
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