Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Always near

During this season of Lent I've become persuaded to do things I've been hesitant and more than a little reluctant to do in the past. Like fasting. I've never been one to really buy into traditional means of sacrifice. There just seems to be too much of an artificial formulaic element to much that I've seen in the past. However, this year, with my heart pushing forward to a new place of faith I'm asking myself "what is the point of hold out?" Our family has been through crisis of late with our son and his heartbreaking and crushing custody issues. But alongside of this is the knowledge that release and resolve are inevitable. So, in knowing this, how do we get there? Lent has long been regarded as the season of fasting, prayer and meditation. Well, we're right on schedule. One of the greatest and most wonderful surprises of my life is how holidays have taken on deeper meaning, resonating the truest import of the holiday. Particularly at holidays I feel so loved. It just seems God has chosen to reveal himself to my heart in a personal way by adding yet another layer of meaning to each holiday. Part of this stems from having learned that many of us (myself included way back when) are not good at celebrating...at feeling good. For some feeling good is perplexing and unsettling.

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