Peace on Earth
Goodwill to Men
Merry Christmas everybody
it's that time of year again.
For me anyway!! This is the time of year I begin decorating for a wonderful little shop called Treasures of the Heart. This little store will soon begin it's winter wonderland visual transformation. As always, there are several trees being decorated, (there would be more if the shop were any bigger.) It's amazing how many trees we can actually squeeze in but we remain undaunted in our delight and desire to add "just one more tree." for the sheer love of it all. That's just how it is- always pushing the space!
One of the themes of the trees is a Vintage Christmas- a personal favorite (if there is such a thing!) I'll post pictures of displays of some of the vignettes a little later on. The rush is on to be ready for the annual Treasures of the Heart Christmas Open House Nov. 6 & 7.
For the first time, I'll be decorating trees off-site. Decorating trees in the store itself has become an enormous logistical challenge while working around customers and furniture etc. Each decorated trees will be brought in as completed. Final decorating of the entire shop will commence when all trees are set into their final destinations within the shop.
Belinda is a great buyer and working with the wonderful things she gathers makes my decorating work just that much easier. Always a collaborative process, but a very real part of my work for Treasures is to edit and make style direction decisions for the trees, spaces & vignettes in the store. I love the work. Still, Christmas is my favorite time of year. And, I'm very happy it starts in Oct.!
When this shop is done, there is another shop to do (you will not believe your eyes with this one either- altogether totally different styles than Treasures of the Heart!) After that, local in-home Christmas decor commences. Typically a few "regular" decor jobs will pop up and, usually Krylon will place a big order with a due date of end of you can see- starting now works really well. Oh yeah, almost forgot, teaching a few classes will be in the mix too.
Christmas comes but once a year, make it last! Merry Christmas everyone!!
Sounds like so much fun and very cool, sweet Colette!! I really wish that I could be there to take your classes~ they are just amazing and creative, I'm sure. Please do post pics of the decorated trees for us all to see!!! Winter wonderland in the making! :) You are going to be so busy, girl.... don't forget to take time out for yourself! BEAUTIFUL new banner, by the way! You are breathtaking! I miss you!
Love you so much!
Hi Colette,
Your comment today touched my heart, you have no idea how much I appreciate what you said. And how much comfort it brought me. Thank you so much. Have a wonderful time decorating, I know you'll make fantastic works of art!!! love deb
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