Friday, September 10, 2010


After these several months of quietude it's time I begin blogging again. Only this morning did I feel the actual surge to begin sharing. I've thought of many blog posts, subjects and bits and pieces of my life to share but so many seemed so inconsequential in light of what's been happening in the lives of my son and his son's life, that to share seemed a waste of time to write and to read. It just didn't seem right somehow. I've been conflicted about my silence but also holding the knowledge of my circumstances as validation. Many know that my son has been involved in a custody suit. Our grandson's well-being has been the cause of deliverate focus and attention. There are things yet to be determined but we are excited and confident a reasonable outcome is in the offing. The final custody court date, unless settled beforehand, falls on the date of my fathers birthday. In January. A paternallly good sign. I'm in a state of thankfulness after being in warrior mode, ever vigilant in these last several momnths watching and waiting. Being a grandmother under these circumstances has not been easy but many many others face very very hard situations as well. I will be more transparent about the struggle offering things I've learned thru this process to those that may be encountering similar circumstances in the future. Still, there are things to concern myself with in regard to our grandson's care so I know I will be posting with infrequent regularity. But, I am thankful. Yes, so thankful. I can tell you this. Hold on. Hold on, God loves you and is faithful to his promises. Stand on them. All will be well.